Sufi Books

A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam

A Thinking Person’s Guide to Islam.
The Essence of Islam in 12 Verses from the Qur’an.
H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad.

“Muslims nowadays are constantly having to explain what Islam is not. A tiny minority of Muslims have fundamentally misunderstood Islam and are grossly misrepresenting it. Because of their actions, very few non-Muslims understand the real difference between Islam as it has always been and as it is in the Quran, and the distorted perversions of Islam today. What follows is an attempt to positively say what Islam actually is – and always was – as well as what it is not.” These are the opening lines of the introduction to the book.

Formed in twelve chapters, each based on a verse from the Holy Quran, the book explains the panorama of Islam in a very readable and informative way. The book is not only suited for a non-Muslim wanting to learn about Islam but also for Muslims, who will find this book informative.

The author, H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, has an extraordinary background, providing him with a unique view of life and the world, enabling him to write this book. He is a Jordanian Prince, educated at the Harrow School, U.K., has a BA from Princeton University, his first PhD from Trinity College, Cambridge University and his second PhD from Al-Azhar University, Cairo. He is a Professor of Islamic Philosophy and as the Chief Advisor for Religious and Cultural Affairs to King Abdullah of Jordan, he has met many of the world’s leaders. His book ‘Love in the Holy Quran’ is a best seller.