
9. Stories and Sayings of Yusef al-Hamadani

Date: August 6, 2018 8:25 am Published By: Stories and Sayings of  Yusef al-Hamadani Khwaja Abu Yaqub Yusef al-Hamadani (may God sanctify his innermost being), the ninth Sheikh in the Naqshbandi Golden Chain and the first of the ‘Khwajagan’ – the Masters of Wisdom of Central Asia, said the following, illustrating his high station among the Saints:- “The opening of the faculty of… View Article

9. Khwaja Yusef al-Hamadani

Date: July 26, 2018 8:46 am Published By: 9. Khwaja Yusef al-Hamadani Khwaja Abu Yaqub Yusef al-Hamadani (may God sanctify his innermost being) is the ninth Sheikh in the Naqshbandi Golden Chain and is also the first of the ‘Khwajagan’ – the Masters of Wisdom of Central Asia. He was born in 1048 AD in Buzanjird, near Hamadan, in present day Iran. He… View Article

8. Shaykh Abu Ali al-Farmadi

Date: June 29, 2018 12:32 pm Published By: 8. Shaykh Abu Ali al-Farmadi Shaykh Abu Ali al-Farmadi (may God sanctify his innermost being), the eighth Shaykh in the Naqshbandi Golden Chain, was born in 1016 A.D. in the village of Farmad, near Tus in modern day Iran. Shaykh Abu Ali was famous in his time, being described by another famous Shaykh, as-Simnani, as… View Article

7. Stories and Sayings of Abul Hasan al-Kharqani

Date: June 21, 2018 9:47 am Published By: Stories and Sayings of Abul Hasan al-Kharqani Abul Hasan al-Kharqani (may God sanctify his innermost being), the seventh Shaykh in the Naqshbandi Golden Chain, said the following:-   “I feel, I hear, I speak, but I do not exist.”

7. Shaykh Abul Hasan al-Kharqani

Date: April 26, 2018 5:46 pm Published By: 7. Shaykh Abul Hasan al-Kharqani Shaykh Abul Hasan al-Kharqani (may God sanctify his innermost being) is the seventh Shaykh in the Naqshbandi Golden Chain, receiving his spiritual secret from Abu Yazid al-Bistami, also known as Bayazid. He was born in 963 in Kharaqan, a small village near Bistam, in Persia. He would later come to… View Article

6. Stories and Sayings of Abu Yazid al-Bistami

Date: April 12, 2018 7:29 am Published By: Stories and Sayings of Abu Yazid al-Bistami Abu Yazid al-Bistami (may God sanctify his innermost being), also known as Tayfur Abu Yazid al-Bistami or Bayazid al-Bistami, the sixth Shaykh in the Naqshbandi Golden Chain, said the following:- “Hunger is a rain cloud. If a servant becomes hungry, God will shower his heart with wisdom.”  … View Article