

Date: June 25, 2020 5:29 am Published By: Taqwa “In Islam you cannot criticize personal features. You can’t criticize someone for being a black one, a white one, a red one, a yellow one, a tall one, a small one, a fat one, a thin one; you can’t criticize that. All of the sons of Adam, in the sight of Islam, are respectable… View Article

Noble Character Traits

Date: January 23, 2020 6:21 am Published By: Noble Character Traits The Prophet said, “I have come to complete the ‘noble character traits.” He who lives in accordance with the ‘noble character traits’, follows a law of God. To perfect one’s character means to convert or remove the defects in our character, to develop it by re-connecting with our pure true inner nature…. View Article

To regain our original nobility . . .

Date: December 19, 2019 5:48 am Published By: To regain our original nobility . . . “God has created Adam in His own image,” is a famous teaching of the Holy Prophet. Likewise, man has the Divine Names engraved in the very clay of his being. It is because of this divine similitude, that God has called him to be His ‘khalifa’, His… View Article


Date: December 5, 2019 5:12 am Published By: Character “Consider the soul and the order and proportion given to it, and its enlightenment as to that which is wrong and right: truly, the one who purifies it shall reach a happy state and the one who corrupts it shall truly be lost.” (Quran 91:7-10) The word ‘character’ originally meant a sign, a brand,… View Article

A natural ease to one’s life . . .

Date: November 28, 2019 6:27 am Published By: A natural ease to one’s life “Set thy face to a religion as a ‘hanif’ in the ‘fitrah’ from God upon which He originated mankind – there is no altering the creation of God; that is the upright religion, but most of mankind know not.” (Quran 30:30) To ‘set’, turn or submit one’s face to… View Article

Our Essential Nature

Date: November 14, 2019 6:12 am Published By: Our Essential Nature The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Islam is the Religion of the Primordial Nature (‘Fitrah’). Every newborn baby is born according to ‘Fitrah’, then the parents give him a name of a religious affiliation (Christianity, Judaism, Magus, etc.)”. ‘Fitrah’ in Arabic, means someone’s ‘innate or primordial nature’.  The… View Article