
What is this world?

Date: January 26, 2017 10:25 pm Published By: What is this World? “What is this world? It is not wealth, property, status, money, rank, clothes and children. Whatever keeps you from your Lord, that is this world. For instance, a person who owns all this world has to offer, yet does not forget his Lord and serves Him with perfect devotion, that person… View Article

Carrying your Horse

Date: January 12, 2017 10:37 pm Published By: Carrying your Horse “Therefore believers, anyone who believes in the real life, the eternal life – the Hereafter – restrain the legs of your horse a little bit. Your ego is your horse. Don’t leave your horse to walk as it likes. No, you must be the rider, not carrying the horse on your shoulders…. View Article

As if You are a Traveller

Date: January 5, 2017 10:54 pm Published By: … as if you are a Traveller The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him said, “Live in this world as if you are a traveller.” This is like a traveller who stops to rest under a tree. The traveller ties his mount and retires for a moment under the shade of a tree, resting… View Article

Love of this World

Date: December 1, 2016 11:09 pm Published By: Love of this World God says in the Quran, “Whoever chooses the harvest field of the life to come – We will add to his harvest field. And whoever chooses the harvest field of this life – We will give it to him, but he will have no portion in the life to come.” (Quran… View Article

The Quest

Date: November 18, 2016 7:36 pm Published By: The Quest One of mankind’s greatest saints, Muhiyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, known as the ‘Greatest Master’, contemplated the Ninety Name Beautiful Names in depth. He said, “if anything of himself veils him from seeing the whole, he has committed a crime against himself, and he is not a perfect man … by perfection is meant knowledge… View Article


Date: November 17, 2016 5:42 am Published By: Contentment “The happiest and most satisfied person in this life is the one in the station of contentment. This person views their situation as the most suitable for them because their Lord put them in that situation. If it is good for me, then God will have put me in that situation. When you are… View Article