
Chasing a Mirage

Date: October 3, 2019 6:31 am Published By: Chasing a Mirage “People are running after a shadow – a shadow which is themselves. That is why they are ill – and the harder they run, the more miseries catch up with them. They flee from themselves all their lives in pursuit of a desert mirage that turns out to be nothing but sand…. View Article

Whichever Way You Turn

Date: October 25, 2018 6:12 am Published By: Whichever Way You Turn To God belongs all that is in the east and in the west God’s is the place of sun rising and the place of sun setting. So whichever way you turn there is His face there’s His core being He wraps around you He Knows . . . Quran 2:115  … View Article

The Prophet Describing Faith

Date: February 22, 2018 11:36 am Published By: The Prophet Describing Faith Once the Prophet Muhammad (peace & blessings be upon him) said to his Companions:- “If you have complete trust in God, He will provide for you as He does for the birds. They leave their nests hungry in the morning and return satisfied in the evening.”

So that You may Succeed

Date: November 16, 2017 10:21 pm Published By: So that You may Succeed God chooses Messengers from among the angels and from among humans. God is all hearing, all seeing. He knows what lies before and behind them. All matters return to Him. Believers, bow down, prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord, and do good so that you may succeed. Strive hard for God… View Article

Mindfulness Defined

Date: October 19, 2017 9:53 pm Published By: Mindfulness Defined In an article titled ‘Mindfulness Defined’, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, a Theravadan Buddhist Monk and Scholar says, “The British scholar who coined the term ‘mindfulness’ to translate the Pali word ‘sati’ was probably influenced by the Anglican prayer to be ever mindful of the needs of others – in other words, to always keep their… View Article

With Love

Date: March 16, 2017 10:36 pm Published By: With Love “Whoever looks at his brother with love, no animosity will exist in his heart.” – The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.   God is the Wisest of Judges (Ahkam al-hakimin). This is a description, but in reality no comparison is possible between God and another judge. He alone is the… View Article